Tuesday, July 18, 2017

SWAT Environmental Celebrates Small Businesses

Throughout the month of July, SWAT Environmental would like to bring awareness to the importance of small businesses. According to a study, small businesses make up over 98% of all businesses in America. Walking down the Main Street of a small town is perhaps a big indicator of just how many small businesses exist in the area. There is sometimes a stigma surrounding small, local businesses, and many believe they don’t last long. Interestingly, approximately half of small businesses survive five years or more, as reported by Forbes. SWAT Environmental is so honored to be part of this impressive club. Our small business has been up and running since 2002, and it is all in thanks to the homeowners that are just as passionate about safe, clean, Radon gas-free air in the home as we are.

Ever since starting the company, SWAT Environmental has expanded its little business into over 35 states, and franchised into 14. This also means that SWAT has created a multitude of new jobs, whether it be as certified radon mitigation technicians or in the office setting. According to ECapital.com, small businesses employ over 57% of the country’s private workforce, and 60-80% of all new jobs come from small businesses. Something that SWAT Environmental is passionate about is supporting other businesses with the same roots that they have, all while working towards the goal of helping families breathe easier. Every big, successful business is just a small business that grew up. SWAT has spread the word about radon mitigation and how important testing is, and America is listening. Continue supporting small businesses this month by purchasing a test kit and finding out what the Radon gas level is in the home. One test is all it takes to ensure the health and safety of families nationwide. 

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