Thursday, July 27, 2017

SWAT Environmental Urges Summer Safety

Summertime: when the kids are out of school and the adults have barbecues. We know that summertime brings adventures and new experiences. With the new adventures comes the risk of injuries and danger.  SWAT Environmental wants to inform you of all the threats of hazards that can arise in the summer months.
 A big safety threat is the sun. Summer time has the best weather of the year and people love to be outside and bask in the warmth of the sun’s rays. So many people are also interested to see how tan they can get each summer. Tan lines are a badge of honor when returning to school; showing other classmates or coworkers that you have multiple summer adventures during the previous weeks. However, tanning and spending your days out in the sunlight can have a harmful effect on your skin. Sun damage and UV radiation is the leading cause of skin cancer in people at any age. The application of sunscreen to the body everyday will protect the skin even of the sunniest of days. You can still get a tan while wearing sunscreen, so why wouldn’t you apply?
One of the other risks that can occur during the warm summer months is Radon gas. According to a study done by Pennsylvania State University, levels of radon gas may be as much as 10 times higher in the summer than in the winter. Since Radon is found in the soil, the weather patterns and temperature play a part in how high the levels could be. The main testing season for this gas is in the winter, but with the conclusion of the study saying that levels can be higher in the summer, homeowners are encouraged to test year-round. Radon may also be a huge risk if temperatures get extremely high in the summer. If the summer sees unusually high temps, homeowners may be tempted to turn the air conditioning on, sealing the house from any outside influence. This would keep all the radon-infused air inside, contaminating the habitant’s lungs. With the environment always changing, temperatures fluctuate every day. Testing for Radon gas in the summer is just another way of ensuring the safety of the home.
Always make sure to acknowledge the possible dangers in every day, summer living and try to diminish them. Most threats lay in unknown areas. SWAT Environmental urges homeowners to pick up a test kit and test their homes for the possibility of elevated levels of radon gas. One test goes a long way in the continued safety and health of families nationwide. It is the invisible dangers that can hurt the most.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

SWAT Environmental Celebrates Small Businesses

Throughout the month of July, SWAT Environmental would like to bring awareness to the importance of small businesses. According to a study, small businesses make up over 98% of all businesses in America. Walking down the Main Street of a small town is perhaps a big indicator of just how many small businesses exist in the area. There is sometimes a stigma surrounding small, local businesses, and many believe they don’t last long. Interestingly, approximately half of small businesses survive five years or more, as reported by Forbes. SWAT Environmental is so honored to be part of this impressive club. Our small business has been up and running since 2002, and it is all in thanks to the homeowners that are just as passionate about safe, clean, Radon gas-free air in the home as we are.

Ever since starting the company, SWAT Environmental has expanded its little business into over 35 states, and franchised into 14. This also means that SWAT has created a multitude of new jobs, whether it be as certified radon mitigation technicians or in the office setting. According to, small businesses employ over 57% of the country’s private workforce, and 60-80% of all new jobs come from small businesses. Something that SWAT Environmental is passionate about is supporting other businesses with the same roots that they have, all while working towards the goal of helping families breathe easier. Every big, successful business is just a small business that grew up. SWAT has spread the word about radon mitigation and how important testing is, and America is listening. Continue supporting small businesses this month by purchasing a test kit and finding out what the Radon gas level is in the home. One test is all it takes to ensure the health and safety of families nationwide. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE — GET YOUR HOME TESTED FOR RADON GAS TODAY - Order your Test Kit today! Ships next day, Monday - Friday


Act now to rid your home of radon gas health risks.
When you're in the market for a home, your main priorities are affordability, livability, and most of all, safety. You wouldn't purchase a family home, no matter how perfect, in a high crime neighborhood, and you probably wouldn't want to move near a Superfund site. Therefore, don't overlook a critical hazard that could affect your family's health; be sure to have your home, or the home you're thinking of buying, tested for radon gas before it's too late.


As a cause of lung cancer in the U.S., radon gas is second only to cigarettes, according to Kansas State University's National Radon Program Services. Also, while the effects of tobacco on your health are hard to miss, you often won’t even be conscious of radon in your home until you test for it. Only after living with this colorless, odorless yet ever-present carcinogen over the long term do you develop symptoms of lung cancer. By that point, it may be too late for prevention.


Radon is a radioactive gas, but you don't have to live near a nuclear reactor to have radon gas in your home. The gas is released from the natural decay of uranium in the rocks and soil. Trace levels of the gas are all around you, but when the amount of gas in the air or water exceeds the safety margin, it puts you at a higher risk for cancer. When you breathe in radioactive bits of radon, they get stuck in your lungs, emitting tiny bursts of radioactive energy that damages your lung tissue. Over time, this may develop into cancer.


Don't wait until someone in your family gets sick. It is easy to test for radon using one of several kits. Active radon test kits require a power source. Passive tests work without electricity. Short-term radon tests take two to three days while long-term testing require 90 days or more. You place the test kit in the lowest occupied area of your home. The types of testing kits available include:
  • Charcoal canister
  • Alpha track detector
  • Charcoal liquid scintillation detector
  • Electret ion chamber detector


The EPA recommends you should take remedial action if the radon in your air exceeds four picocuries per liter. Several strategies are effective in getting rid of radon, but you need a professional to ensure that the work is done right, both to protect your family's health and your own peace of mind. At S.W.A.T. Environmental, we provide you with information you need to make a smart choice in radon mitigation services. Our technicians have helped more than 10,000 homeowners across the U.S. rid their homes of health-threatening radon gas. Contact us today.
Company: SWAT Environmental
Address: 2631 Eaton Rapids Rd
City: Lansing
State: MI
Zip code: 48911
Telephone number: 1-800-667-2366
Email address: