Wednesday, May 17, 2017

SWAT Environmental Celebrates Bike Day

May is National Bike Month, and today SWAT Environmental would like to acknowledge National Bike Day on May 19. SWAT Environmental is extremely passionate about the air that people breathe, so it is only natural that on National Bike Day the company wants to start a conversation about clean air. Believe it or not, but the quality of the air people breathe is a significant factor in the health of individuals. The dirtier the air, the more at risk people are for an airborne disease, or lung difficulties. Air is everywhere and everyone knows that we need it to breathe, however, not many know to worry about what is in the air that we breathe and how safe it could be for us.

 There are many benefits to biking to work, school, or to run errands on National Bike Day. For example, riding a bike will give riders an extra source of exercise. People will also be able to take in the sights of a daily commute more so than if they were in a car. A big benefit, though, is cutting down on the pollution cars can make. The positivity that biking has on the outside air is why National Bike Day exists, which we at SWAT Environmental are very supportive of. On National Bike Day, SWAT wants to challenge everyone to not only ride their bikes to work, but also to acquire a Radon test kit for their homes.  

SWAT Environmental is the leading company for Radon Mitigation. Professionals are willing to help you daily by giving you quotes and information should your Radon test kit results come back high. Visit the website,, for more information if any questions arise. 

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