Thursday, August 27, 2015

Radon Gas FAQ PT 2

As you can guess, there are a lot of questions that arise when you are dealing with radon gas. Since this odorless gas is still not getting the press it deserves there is still room for questions to arise. This blog post will be a continuation of FAQ for radon gas, so you can feel fully informed!

How Do Home Test Kits Work?

The home test kit contains an activated charcoal device in a bag. The bag is hung in the home and left there for an amount of time. Afterwards, the bag is sealed and sent into a lab for testing. They are very reliable as long as the user makes sure to properly seal it before sending it into the lab. While they are cheaper, you will have to wait longer for results than if you hire a professional.

Can Radon Exposure Only Happen in Homes?

Radon gas exposure can happen in just about any structure, it is not limited to just residential areas. That means that exposure can happen in commercial, residential or any location that is exposed to uranium in the soil.  

These are the answers to some common questions. Make sure that to keep you, your family, and employees informed about the danger of radon gas. If your home has radon, call us to get a radon mitigation system installed in your home. 

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