Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Home’s Silent Killers PT. 2

In our previous post, we talked about the common silent killers that can be lurking around our homes. However, what about the one that does not get that much exposure? Like the silent killer of radon gas.


Radon is a gas that comes from the soil underneath your home. It moves through cracks in the foundation and seeps into the home. It has no odor and no color and there for is un-detectable without proper testing. Exposure can lead to many dangerous side effects such as lung cancer. Call a professional regularly or use a home test kit to check your home for radon. If your home tests positive for radon, call a radon removal service.

It is always advisable to know about your home. What’s in it, how it works, and most importantly, what can go wrong. Unfortunately, many of these are not easy to spot. Make sure to test regularly for these dangers in order to keep your home safe. Because as we have mentioned before, this is an odorless, clear gas that can only be detected with radon testing kits and experts. If you think your home or business may have be exposed to radon gas, give us a call today to make sure you are protecting your loved ones!  

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