Wednesday, July 29, 2015

As a business owner the last thing you want to worry about is an invisible gas creeping into your store or business where customers and employees visit every day. No one wants to be part of the reason that someone gets lung cancer but, regardless of where you live or where your business is, you need to have radon gas testing completed to determine if you and other people are being exposed to this dangerous and toxic gas.

The allowable amount by the EPA is 4.0 pCi/L; any amount higher than that should have a mitigation system installed. If the radon gas exposure levels are at 4.0 pCi/L or lower, it’s advised to have an air purification system installed for safety’s sake. We offer radon mitigation, a process that reduces radon concentrations, in order to keep your home or business safe from this dangerous gas.
Radon is a toxic gas and is the number-one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and second leading cause of lung cancer in smokers. Radon gas is also radioactive, not visible to the human eye, and it cannot be smelled or tasted.

Each year more than 20,000 Americans die of radon-related lung cancer. Breathing radon gas is more of a health risk than drinking water that contains radon however, both scenarios should be addressed properly. Radon gas has a higher health risk for children than adults, so radon testing is especially important if your business works with children.

For more information and pricing, visit S.W.A.T. Environmental to get your home or business tested for radon gas and reduce your exposure.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Home’s Silent Killers PT. 2

In our previous post, we talked about the common silent killers that can be lurking around our homes. However, what about the one that does not get that much exposure? Like the silent killer of radon gas.


Radon is a gas that comes from the soil underneath your home. It moves through cracks in the foundation and seeps into the home. It has no odor and no color and there for is un-detectable without proper testing. Exposure can lead to many dangerous side effects such as lung cancer. Call a professional regularly or use a home test kit to check your home for radon. If your home tests positive for radon, call a radon removal service.

It is always advisable to know about your home. What’s in it, how it works, and most importantly, what can go wrong. Unfortunately, many of these are not easy to spot. Make sure to test regularly for these dangers in order to keep your home safe. Because as we have mentioned before, this is an odorless, clear gas that can only be detected with radon testing kits and experts. If you think your home or business may have be exposed to radon gas, give us a call today to make sure you are protecting your loved ones!  

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Home’s Silent Killers PT. 1

Home is where the heart is, and nobody wants an unhealthy heart. Your home could contain airborne dangers that you can’t notice with any of your senses. This article will cover a few dangers that are hard to notice if you are not looking.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas that kills around 4 thousand people in their homes each year. It is colorless and odorless. It is produced when fuels in furnaces, fireplaces, and gas stoves aren’t properly able to filter outside. It can quickly fill a home, and the lungs of everyone in it. A carbon monoxide tester is the only way to find this gas, so it is highly recommended that you have one installed in your home if you do not already.

Gas Leaks

Gas leaking from stoves, ovens, and heaters can lead to dangerous explosions and the inability to breathe. Gas does have an odor, so get out of your home if you smell a gas-like smell. If you have time, it is advisable to open windows and shut off gas lines before getting help.

In our next post, we will be talking about the most uncommonly known silent killer, radon gas