Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Don’t Panic With Radon, Call SWAT-Radon To Help With Radon Reduction.

When you find out that your home has been detected of radon, do not panic, that is key. While radon is an odorless and colorless substance, it is something that cannot be messed with. If you think you’re home has been exposed of radon, the first thing to do is to get your home checked. At SWAT-Radon, we will be happy to conduct testing for you and to help with radon reduction.
Radon, which enters the homes through various reasons, is something that can have life threating consequences when it is not properly diagnosed. In more recent news, a nonsmoker woman believes that over exposed to radon has caused her lung cancer. Radon is making the news more frequently, this substance has similar effects to carbon monoxide, and due to those similarities it is a reason that it can go undetected.

Do not live in panic; take the preventive steps to ensure your family’s safety. There are easy steps to take to check your home for radon; it can be as easy as 1-2-3. Call us today for a quote on radon reduction in your home! 

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