Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Radon Levels in the Summer

Summer is a time to be outside, go to the beach, and enjoy a dip in the pool. I don't know about you, but personally I don't do many summer activities that involve the great outdoors. Summer is hot, plain and simple, and with the modern invention of air conditioning my living room couch is far more comfortable than sitting outside. More and more Americans are of a similar mindset, inside is way more comfortable, and most of us don't even think about what that does to our home's radon levels. In the past it was thought that radon levels where at their peak in the winter months because the house is sealed to keep the warmth in, but now our houses are also sealed in the summer to keep our cool air where it belongs, inside. A Pennsylvania State University Study has found that the levels of radon may be 10 times higher in the summer than in the winter. The crazy thing about radon is that weather can affect indoor levels, simply by forcing us to close our windows. Yes, there are scientific reasons that explain why radon levels are higher when it rains, but for the time being the moral of the story is to get your home tested. Regardless of season. Radon is undetectable to humans yet is the cause for an estimated 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year (according to the EPA). Testing is simple and, with promo code BLOG, the test kit is free. See future blogs for further explanation about all the things that effect radon levels.

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