Thursday, October 8, 2015

What to Know About Radon in the Home

Many home owners like to have their home tested for radon, as radon can cause harm to humans if present in large amounts. The good news is that testing for radon in homes is not difficult. Just follow these steps:

Select a Good Radon Test Kit

There are many radon testing kits out there, but you need to ensure that the one you buy is going to provide accurate results. The best way to choose is to read consumer reviews of the product that you may buy. This ensures that you will get good, accurate test results.

Do Radon Testing at Right Time

Many people do not know that there are good and bad times to do radon testing. The best time to do the test is between October and April. This is when, in most parts of the U.S., when windows and doors are closed the most and will provide accurate results.

Do Longer Tests

There are both short-term and long-term radon tests. A longer test takes 90 days, and a shorter one takes two to seven days. Most choose the short-term test, but it is better to do the long term test to get the most accurate results. There are firms that can help you do radon removal, once you have your results.

Test at the Right Level of the Home

You need to do the test at the lowest level that the house is lived in. Radon can seep into a house through floor board cracks, so this is probably where the most radon will be. If you test upstairs, you may not get an accurate reading.

Know What to Do With Results

Testing is key, but you need to know what to do with the data. No level of radon in the house is safe, but a lower reading, which is under 100 Bq/m3, is something usually to monitor. If it is over 200, you do need to take action fast. 

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