Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Summer and Radon

Summer is a happy time. Most people look forward to this season in particular. School is out, the weather is nice, and the sun is shining. Life is seemingly enjoyable and nothing can bring you down. But what if there was something that could put a damper on the fun? SWAT Environmental is making it a mission to inform homeowners about the danger that could make your summer turn for the worse: Radon gas. This is a hazard that could be lurking in the home without any knowledge or sign of its’ presence, making it even more threatening.
According to a study done by Pennsylvania State University, levels of radon gas may be as much as 10 times higher in the summer than in the winter. Since Radon is found in the soil, the weather patterns and temperature play a part in how high the levels could be. The main testing season for this gas is in the winter, but with the conclusion of the study saying that levels can be higher in the summer, homeowners are encouraged to test year-round. Radon may also be a huge risk if temperatures get extremely high in the summer. If the summer sees unusually high temps, homeowners may be tempted to turn the air conditioning on, sealing the house from any outside influence. This would keep all the radon-infused air inside, contaminating the habitant’s lungs. With the environment always changing, temperatures fluctuate every day. Testing for Radon gas in the summer is just another way of ensuring the safety of the home.
Summer is a time to be safe and healthy. Along with taking the proper procedures to mask any risk of sunburns, test the home for Radon gas as well. It is equally important to stay safe outdoors as it is indoors. SWAT Environmental urges homeowners to test for Radon gas, and if the levels come back dangerous, mitigate. The mitigation will pull the Radon from the bottom of the house where it is most common, and up past the house. This action dilutes the toxins in the gas, so the air will then be safe to breathe. This is the only way to know for sure that your home, and loved ones, are safe.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June is National Healthy Homes Month

Throughout the whole month of June 2017, it is National Healthy Homes Month. This month brings awareness to homeowners and the impact of unhealthy toxins that can be present in every home. National Healthy Homes Month also aims to provide resources for homeowners to understand what dangers can be found in the home, as well as, resources to encourage the protection of families nationwide. The main risk homeowners might be exposed to is the indoor air quality of the home. The pollutants of the indoor air quality can cause: lead poisoning, asthma, and lung cancer. A healthy home begins with healthy air, and some of the effects of contaminated indoor air can be experienced after years of infestation. In collaboration with National Healthy Homes Month, SWAT Environmental wants to share information about the effects of Radon gas, and how to prevent it.
Each week in June, National Healthy Homes Month will be focusing on many aspects of having a safe home. SWAT Environmental urges homeowners to consider testing for Radon gas throughout the month. All that is needed is to pick up a test kit, follow the instructions, and find out what level of Radon gas the home is experiencing. National Healthy Homes Month is the perfect reminder that indoor air quality is one of the biggest factors in determining whether or not the home is accurately protected. Families worry about whether the knives are put away safely, the medication in the bathroom, the cleaning supplies, and even the security system. However, not many take the time to check the air quality. Join SWAT Environmental in creating a safe home environment for everyone by testing the home today.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

SWAT Environmental Celebrates National Cancer Survivors Day

National Cancer Survivors Day is being celebrated on June 4, 2017. Cancer survivors should be celebrated every day for their resilience, however, this day serves as a reminder that life after a cancer diagnosis can be a reality. SWAT Environmental strives to bring awareness to one of the leading causes of lung cancer: Radon gas. In fact, SWAT Environmental aims to mitigate the gas so homeowners will breathe in safe, clean air. Radon gas is a huge threat to families nation-wide. SWAT is here to start the conversation about air safety regarding Radon gas.
SWAT Environmental is a company that wants to help eliminate the fear of a cancer diagnosis, as well as, life after a cancer diagnosis. After testing for this harmful gas, mitigation is what is needed for a high level test result. With these installed mitigation systems come the peace of mind that the air is safe to breathe. National Cancer Survivors Day celebrates the strong individuals and shows that there is still life to live after the illness, which nobody understands better than SWAT Environmental. On this special day, SWAT is encouraging homeowners to pick up a test kit to know what Radon gas level their house is experiencing.
A cancer survivor has been through devastating times. Don’t let the odds of even more difficult news at the hands of Radon gas be a threat to that progress. This is also a great opportunity to get the community involved. The more the community is aware of the effects of Radon gas poisoning, the more action will be taken in order to prevent the worst from happening.