Thursday, April 20, 2017

SWAT Environmental Celebrates Earth Day

SWAT Environmental is pleased to announce they are celebrating Earth Day on April 22, 2017. This day was designated as a day to celebrate nature and to encourage individuals to do what they can to protect and preserve it. As part of the celebration, SWAT Environmental encourages residents to get their homes tested for radon.

Radon is a dangerous gas that can be found both indoors and out, but concentrations indoors are typically much higher and more dangers because it takes longer to dissipate. For this reason, it’s important for homeowners to have their homes tested for radon on a regular basis. If radon is detected, the professionals here at SWAT Environmental will be able to safely and effectively resolve the source of the gas and ensure safety in the home once again. 

For more information, click here to read more about Radon gas.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 7 is World Health Day

World Health Day is Friday, April 7. SWAT Environmental wants to join the World Health Organization in bringing awareness to the mental health problems radon gas can cause. There are many reports on the physical health damages that radon may inflict on individuals, which includes lung cancer. But what happens after they are diagnosed? Family and friends of the individual can also be effected, if not directly. The mental health of everyone related to this terrible illness is just as important. According to the World Health Organization, there are 322 million people living with depression, and 264 million people living with anxiety disorders in the world. These disorders can stem from unemployment, life events like the death of a loved one or relationship break up, or physical illnesses, and can be a threat to anyone at any age. When a family member is diagnosed with lung cancer because of Radon gas effects, family members, and even the individual diagnosed, is at risk of developing a depressive or anxiety disorder. Part of being educated is knowing how and when to test for radon gas.  Property owners can purchase a test kit through their local SWAT Environmental. High levels of this dangerous gas mean that the people living in the property may be at risk. On World Health Day, April 7, use the hashtag, #LetsTalk, to join the conversation to understand how to support friends or family through the mental difficulties radon gas can cause.