Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy National Doctor's Day!

SWAT Environmental is so pleased to celebrate this year’s National Doctor’s Day on March 30th. We work day in and day out on helping homeowners live a radon-free life. Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer, only falling short to smoking. Here at SWAT Environmental, we help homeowners mitigate this gas, so the air they breathe is safe and clean. However, sometimes homeowners get us involved when it’s already too late. This is where the doctors come in.
SWAT Environmental would like to thank the medical professionals for doing their very best in helping patients remain as healthy as possible. Lung cancer is a very dangerous illness, and doctors work every day to lower the threat to patients’ lives. By recommending radon testing on a regular basis, doctors will be able to reduce their patients’ risk of developing this fatal disease.
Thank you, doctors! Enjoy your special day!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

National Animal Poison Prevention Week

Animals are known as a human's best friend. They bring joy and unconditional love every day. Their tails wag, they purr, and they chirp. A life with animals in it is a happy one, and days are never dull. At SWAT Environmental, we care about our furry friends just as much as a member of our family. This is why we are taking action during Animal Poison Prevention Week.

Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that comes from the soil. Radon gas is a threat to everyone, even your pets. They are more susceptible to the effects since they stand closer to the ground, and are normally in the contaminated house more than humans.

Radon gas is just as much of a threat to your furry little friends as it is to you. Radon gas enters the home through cracks in the pavement or the foundation. Radon gas frequents the low levels of the house, such as the basement or ground-level rooms. These are also places where your animals may like to hang out.
Test your home today to keep your beloved pets and animals safe from the dangers of Radon gas.

Read more here.