Friday, June 5, 2015

Homeowners at Risk of Lung Cancer Due to Radon Exposure

As a prospective homeowner, it’s easy to be excited to move into that house you’ve been negotiating for, but there’s something to be careful of. Some homes have been infiltrated with radon gas. Before closing on your house ask for it to be tested for radon gas so you know your home is safe to live in before moving in. If you’ve already bought your home and have settled in, it’s a good idea to still have your home tested for radon. This is a very toxic gas that is the number-one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and second leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. This gas is radioactive, it is not visible to the human eye, and cannot be smelled or tasted.

If you smoke and are exposed to radon gas, the risk of lung cancer is approximately 6  to 11 times greater than that of just smoking only. Over 20,000 people are killed each year from lung cancer caused by radon gas exposure.

Radon is the only gas that under normal conditions has radioactive isotopes. Some homes have reached radon gas exposure levels equal to smoking over 130 packs of cigarettes per day. Radon can seep into the home’s foundation, or leak into the water supply. No matter how it gets in though, radon testing can figure out if you are at risk.No one knows how much exposure is too much but it has been established by the EPA that 4pCi/L is a dangerous level.

We provide a process called radon mitigation, which reduces radon gas concentrations and can make your home safe for your family. Call us today to get your home tested for radon and keep your family safe from this dangerous gas.