Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Radon: Your Home, Your Business, Your Health

When it comes to proper maintenance of our homes and the chemicals that may exist within them, we often think of carbon monoxide. But did you know that radon can be just as harmful to your health, and, like carbon monoxide, is colorless and odorless? Radon often goes undetected and after years of exposure, radon can be very harmful to your health.

Radon: What is it?   
Radon is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless cancer-causing radioactive gas, making it truly frightening when it comes to the safety of your home or business. Some studies have shown that children are at a great risk when it comes to radon exposure, though anybody’s health can be affected. 

Scientifically, radon is a highly radioactive element that was discovered by Ernest Rutherford in 1899. Radon is formed naturally, during the radioactive decay of uranium in the soil. Because of its atomic properties, radon has the ability to seep through many porous surfaces, it can seep through cracks and crevices of building foundations, and it can exist within water.

Radon: In Your Environment 

Because of these specific chemical abilities, radon has been detected throughout millions of homes and businesses all across the country. Most commonly, radon is inhaled or ingested, though exposure through inhalation is most detrimental to one’s health. Though you likely will not see immediate effects of radon, years of exposure can lead to great vulnerability, especially to lung cancer. Because of it is unseen to the naked eye and has no scent, radon often goes undetected, which is why proper testing and radon removal is imperative.

To learn more about radon and proper removal services, visit us online at SWAT-Radon.com or give us a call at 1-800-667-2366!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

SWAT Environmental for a Safer Environment

Welcome to the SWAT Environmental blog, your resource to proper environmental care as it pertains to radon mitigation and radon gas removal. Our goal is to create a safer environment for the residential, commercial, and real-estate properties across the country, through certified technicians, proper radon testing, and the installation of radon mitigation systems.

Why Radon?

It may come to a surprise that high levels of radon have been found in every state across the United States and unfortunately, the level of radon within residential, commercial, and real-estate environments is ever-increasing. This simple fact is the driving force behind our business.

Radon is a colorless, odorless, and virtually unseen radioactive gas that is caused by the decay of uranium in the soil. Able to penetrate most common building materials, exposure to radon is common through ingestion and inhalation, both posing a threat to the health of your and your family. 

What Do We Offer?

SWAT Environmental offers a number of different services and products, all with the purpose of creating a radon-free environment. From residential, commercial, and real-estate to waterborne radon reduction, SWAT Environment has more certified technicians than any other company, ready to perform proper radon testing and install radon mitigation systems nationwide. In addition to services, we offer a number of radon mitigation products for both commercial and residential spaces.

Be sure to visit us online and check back daily for the latest in residential and commercial care!